Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The VT from Tuesday at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery

Hi. I just had a phone call from The NHNN that I'm going for 7 days VT as a part of pre-operative assessment. My chance for undergoing lobectomy is still 50/50 and so far I've had one VT, MEG, MRI, language fMRI and after upcoming VT I will have intracranial EEG and after that, MDT will decide (well, neurosurgeon will decide) whether lobectomy can be performed.

As I have refractory TLE (changed medical treatment over 20 times due to poor seizure control) and my current poor seizure control despite large doses of three different medications, invasive treatment seems to be the only chance to improve seizure control. It would be either a brain surgery (temporal lobectomy) or VNS (which is in cases like mine not really effective treatment as figures say less than 40% of VNS patients with such a complex epilepsy achieved better seizure control.

I should mention that I have been rejected once, about 3 years ago in Oxford hospital after only two tests - the VT (no seizures captured) and MRI. That was a little bit ignorant...

Please wish me luck (with my patience during the VT ;) ) and MDT's decision. Positive decision.! If any of you have been rejected or will be don't give up!!! Never! Almost every day I can read about new treatment methods so it is just a matter of time, when epilepsy patients can be CURED!...


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