Sunday, 24 March 2013

Your Personal Epilepsy Diary as the best tool to improve your treatment

Epilepsy diary is a very helpful and important tool to manage your treatment and seizures. You can easily provide detailed information about your current condition to your neurologist to decide what to do if things go wrong for example.

There are several methods and ways to help you with the diary:
  • writing down as much info straight after seizures (symptoms, duration etc.) on your computer or simply - even on a piece of paper, calendar and so on...
  • using mobile phone applications (there are tons of them) - there are links below for the one I'm using developed by Epilepsy Society (it's free)
  • using dedicated devices such as 'epilepsy watch' you can easily buy on Amazon. It's quite expensive though with limited features, aimed mainly to detect seizures among people with very severe epilepsy
Epilepsy Society App:

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